Saw this guy at the store over the weekend. I know I already have a flame angel in my 92 corner. But hey, I don’t have one in my 75 yet! And this little guyFind More->
20141014 Roberto’s impressive 720 Gallon Reef
In case you haven’t seen this thread in Reef centralYou definitely want to check out his tank, the planning, the build, and the progress.It is a stunning tank! Roberto’s 720 Reef Tank in Brazil
Desjardini Update
Just an update of my Desjardini Tang. Doing great, getting fat, and kicking everyone else’s ass in the tank!
20141012 Neon Goby
So I decided to get some tank mates for my seahorse that are not other seahorses! I have always wanted to have these tiny cute little gobies. But when I was a store manager atFind More->
20141008 Freshwater Angelfish
I have been posting almost exclusively saltwater content sometimes it seems like I don’t have any freshwater tanks at all! But like most aquarists, I also began my adventure with freshwater. Here is a photoFind More->
20141006 Derasa Clam nipped!
For the last two months I have been keeping my Derasa clam separately in a 75G RR that I have set up to allow the two squamosa clams more room to stretch. But two weeksFind More->
20141005 Seahorse! Hippocampus Erectus
I have had my 28 gallon cube sitting for a while running with just live rock for about 2-3 months. I have always wanted to get some seahorse in that tank. And the opportunity finallyFind More->
20140930 Green Bubble Tip Anemone
Green Bubble Tip Anemone I got this green bubble tip anemone two weeks ago. I have had lots of experience with rose bubble tip anemone (RBTA), but have never had a green bubble tip. ToFind More->
20140919 Swallowtail Angelfish
Just to compare what I got from the Local Fish store with what’s currently available at Liveaquaria. This Genicanthus Semifasciatus (Masked Swallowtail Angelfish) is a changing male about 4.5 inch long for $300 + Shipping. AndFind More->
20140919 Japanese Swallowtail Angelfish
Last weekend I visited my local fish store Living Art Aquarium and noticed they have this angel available- Paul, the owner labeled it “very rare, and very good price” at $99. For those of you whoFind More->