With my wife’s lovely gift of waterproof case, I was able to snap some underwater shots without the disruption of water reflection. My 10″ Stardust Squamosa Clam My 8″ Green squamosal clam 8″Find More->
20141227 Hawaiian Monk Seal in Waikiki Aquarium
This was a video we took when we traveled to Hawaii’s Waikiki Aquarium. I just have to share because this monk seal is so cute just rotating at the spot!
20141226 Underwater footage of my 180 gallon reef- Fish point of view
Here is a submerged “fish point of view” to my clam in the middle of my tank. I love it when the sailfin desjardini tang decides to come up close and “size me up”
20141225 Snow onyx clownfish hosting anemone
It’s a snow-less Christmas here in Wisconsin this year- pretty sad. So in Christmas spirit I am posting a video of my “snow onyx” hybrid clownfish with her anemone. My wife got me a waterproofFind More->
20141224 92 Gallon Corner Reef Revision
I was going through some of my older photos and videos. I found a video of my 92 corner reef from a while back. This was over a year ago, possibly two years because notFind More->
20141222 Mixing Zebrasoma Tangs
As you might have read in one of my previous posts I lost my beloved yellow tang during the tank transfer. I have been wanting to replace it but was living under the fear thatFind More->
20141215 180 Mix Reef Video Update!
Here is video to the 180 Mix reef update with the new family members added. All mingling with no aggressions! I love the blue tang’s electric blue color and the pyramid butterfly’s golden highlights. OneFind More->
20141214 New fish in my 180 Reef
Added two new family members to my 180 Reef tank today: The gold pyramid butterflyfish, and the Paracanthurus Hipatus blue tang. I need to add the full name for the tang because there is aFind More->
Flame angel pair
It’s not easy capturing the two flame angelfish I have swimming together in the tank. Primarily because they swim rather speedily. And also likes to dart in and out of the rock work. But afterFind More->
20141205 180 Reef Video Update
An update of my 180 Gallon tank. Recently added four more blue eye cardinal to the school. And the two flame angels are really calming down and forming a bonded pair with occasional courting dances.Find More->