Another gem I picked up at the frag swap- sunset montipora. I have always enjoyed keeping montipora. They are easy to keep, fast growing, and colorful. But I have never kept one as colorful asFind More->
Category: Uncategorized
Snowflake clownfish
Snow flake onyx purchase from the swap. These captive bred clowns are stunning with slectively bred in spots and neon blue shades! Normally retail for $60 or above, got the pair for $50!
Frag swap harvest
Frag swaps is the best way to find new tank mambers- everyting is tank bred/raised/propagated so no impact to natural reef at all, also they are used to captive condition so super hardy. Today’s purchaseFind More->
Blue spotted coral banded shrimp
New member of the family- a small blue spotted coral banded shrimp
Amazing tahitian maxima
When it comes to clams, none exceeds the beauty of maxima, and Tahitian Maxima is the crown jewel of all clams! Check out these 5″ neon-metallic-turqoise maximas
Hammer coral
My branching hammer coral under the LED light. Grew grom two heads to eleven in about four months
Acan lord under the light
My Acan Lord coral under Aquaillumination’s LED light
I have always wanted to try a reflection shot of my tabk once the coral growth has adequate coverage.
Seahorse tank change of plan
First of all, change of plan. I decided seahorses are just way too much maintenance and work that I am not quite ready yet. So I am going to take time and put together aFind More->
Tankshots update
This was actually an unfinished post from a few weeks ago. And during that time unfortunately the beautiful crocea clam has passed. I have also sold one of the rbta and set the other twoFind More->