Without turning this into a Tech blog, I just want to say I take most of my photos published here using my iPhone5S. And when that camera goes out of commission it becomes very difficultFind More->
Category: 180 Gallon Reef
20141229 Clams in my 180!
With my wife’s lovely gift of waterproof case, I was able to snap some underwater shots without the disruption of water reflection. My 10″ Stardust Squamosa Clam My 8″ Green squamosal clam 8″Find More->
20141214 New fish in my 180 Reef
Added two new family members to my 180 Reef tank today: The gold pyramid butterflyfish, and the Paracanthurus Hipatus blue tang. I need to add the full name for the tang because there is aFind More->
Flame angel pair
It’s not easy capturing the two flame angelfish I have swimming together in the tank. Primarily because they swim rather speedily. And also likes to dart in and out of the rock work. But afterFind More->
20141130 Colored Bubble Tip Anenome
I have purchased this colored bubble tip anemone during the Aquatic experience in Chicago a few weeks ago. It has now successfully acclimated to the 180 and is doing well. Neon Pink bubble tip anemoneFind More->