Super Exciting news happening in my 180 Gallon reef tank! The larger of the two female watanabe angelfish (Genicanthus Watanabe) is finally changing its sex! And not, this is not a political subject today. WatanabeFind More->
Category: 180 Gallon Reef
Tank update!
It’s been months since my last update. Life really got the best of me plus I have not added anything new for a long time so there hasnt been too much excitement. I do howeverFind More->
Tank up daye july 2016
I have not posted a tank update because for the last few months I have been batttling with water quality issue. It has finally take a good turn and now my sps corals are thriving!Find More->
Happy Birthday to myself!
What else is a better birthday present than some beautiful additions to the family? My wife bought me this beautiful 5″ Tiger stripe squamosa clam from the local fish store living art aquarium. Here isFind More->
A Macro photography documentary
With the right equipment (and skill), honestly I have rarely need to use my DSLR for a very long time. Instead, I have been relying almost exclusively on my iPhone 6S camera. Now with theFind More->
Biokit Reef
I have been keeping reef for years and finally I decided to give Biokit Reef a shot. Biokit Reef by Prodibio is a combination of vitamin, amino acid, and probiotics to help the fish, invert,Find More->
New Frags loot this weekend!
I stopped by the local fish store- Living Art aquarium over the weekend and picked up some gorgeous frags! And to be honest a couple of them I don’t even know how to say theFind More->
Reef Tank update October 10 2015
It has been such a long week of just constantly working working and working. Not only I had no time for any tank maintenance, I didn’t even get to sit and just relax to appreciateFind More->
Same Clown, New home!
So remember I mentioned the Maroon clownfish has just learned to host the two color bubble anemone I added to the tank two weeks ago? Well, I purchase two red bubble tip anemone two weekends agoFind More->
180G Top View from left to right
With lights, return piping, and tank braces in the way, I have not thought of putting together my tank’s top shot until now. I decided to take the best top view shots I can andFind More->