As my previous post mentioned, when I was planning my new tank build I did not want to go cheap with equipments like I once did in the past just to get by. I wanted to get whatever is “top of the line” and not just to give the tank the bare minimum to survive, but for everything in it to thrive. so when it came down to lighting choice, after some extensive research I decided on Ecotch Marine Radion pro RX30W Gen4.
The dimension of my tank is 30″ X 24″, so based on the light’s designed spread it would easily cover just about all corners with adequate PAR. In all honesty I think with the size and surface dimension of this tank I probably could have been able to get away with a 15W (half the lights, not quite half the price). But I figured it’s go big or go home right?
I have had the light running for three weeks now. And already I can see that the acropora frags I once kept under AI Hydra 52 is starting to change its color and displaying some neon/turquoise blue/green that I have not thought was capable to happen on these frags. The Maxima clams have been all very happy with the light. And the Zoanthids colony that would have been half close under the AI Hydra 52 are fully open all the time with this light.
I have used many different light sources in the past- started with power compact, T5, Metal halide, Chinese cheap LED, Aqua Illumination Sol Blue, AI Hydra 52, and now Radion Gen4 Pro. I can tell you that as far as performance, light, and bringing out color of corals, only my 250W metal halide could rival the Radion Gen4 Pro. This is interesting because the Radion LED is designed to be the equivalent of a 250W metal halide, but with much more power to shift color, dim, and mimic weather/lunar cycles with the software.
Speaking of software- I will also say that this might be the pain point of this product. I will have a separate post on review, and perhaps a little tutorial on the software piece. But just know the product is really good, but the software…. could use some more work on.